For the third year in a row, I have had the honor to photograph the players of the North Carolina baseball team shaving their heads to help children with cancer. Each year, the team partners with my goods friends over at the Vs. Cancer Foundation to raise funds for both a local children’s cancer hospital and cancer research. And each year, I am more impressed with the response and effort of the players and staff. It is a beautiful thing to see these guys willing to embrace going bald over and over again.
What made this year even more special was a visit by 4-year-old Johnathan, a cancer survivor. I’ve photographed this little man several times over the last 3 years. He is a big baseball fan and has such love for the players (even if he is a little shy about talking to them). However, there was nothing shy about Johnathan’s ceremonial first pitch. The little man put all his energy into his throw to home plate. It was so inspiring! I snagged the picture above as he fired his pitch in.
Several hours before their game against Wake Forest, the players met at a special on-campus event to shave their heads as a team. The turnout was great!
One of my favorite photos from the UNC Vs. Cancer event comes courtesy of Skye Bolt.
I always get a laugh out of the faces the guys make as they are getting their heads shaved.
Once again, UNC baseball is proving that bald is beautiful by shaving their heads for the Vs. Cancer Foundation! Their efforts continue to have a huge impact on the lives of children battling cancer. I look forward to watching them shave their heads again next year!
Proud to call you guys MY team!