Teacher: (n) an educator, tutor, instructor, master, coach, trainer; lecturer, professor, don; guide, mentor, guru, counselor.
Yes, teachers are educators and coaches. They lecture us. They force us to do exercises and tests that we believe we’ll never apply in real life. They reassure us that the Shakespeare we are reading or the math theorem we are working with are important (Pythagorean theorem anyone?). However, there is something major that this definition leaves out. That is that teachers are not just teachers. They are shoulders to cry on. They are solid foundations and a constant presence. They are friends, and for some, they are family. They are our protectors.
When I look back on my life and the major decisions I have made, one way or another, a teacher was involved. For me, it was Mr. Bouchard, my high school communications teacher. He took my love for gadgets and turned it into my life’s work. He pushed me beyond what I though I could do and was always there to pick me back up if I lost my way. To this day, if I have a big decision to make or something exciting happens, he is a phone call away. The incredible thing is that 11 years after leaving his class for the last time, he still answers my calls!
Teachers do more than their classroom lecturing all the time, and far too often, they are not given the credit and respect they deserve. It is time we begin to celebrate teachers and the incredible work they do! That is the thinking behind our new program: Honoring Deserving Teachers. In 2014, we want to honor six teachers that have gone above and beyond to change the lives of their students. Deserving teachers will receive a free family photo session along with a gift bag of classroom goodies.
Who is a deserving teacher? That will be determined by you! We are asking the community (parents, students, school administrators) to share their stories about teachers going above and beyond for their students. Please send your stories and your teacher’s information to alyson@alycatphotos.com. Right now, we are accepting nominations throughout the state of North Carolina.
We are looking forward to reading about your nominations and their inspiring stories!