Well, 2015 certainly finished up with a holiday bang! Alycat was lucky enough to be a part of several end-of-the-year festivities, including the Garman Homes holiday bash. Man, what a great, fun group of people!
I am friends with several Garman Home employees. They always talk about how much they love their jobs, co-workers and clients. I knew that if the rest of the company were as outgoing and “in love” with being a part of Garman Homes as my friends, this party would be nothing short of awesome.
And yes, it was awesome!
We were asked to set up a holiday photo booth for the staff to enjoy. Everyone got into it!
The Garmy Awards were given out for outstanding performances in categories like “Happy Like Every Day is Friday”.
The acceptance speeches were amazing!
Following the awards, a lip sync battle of epic proportions got underway. It was hard to pick a favorite. They were all so good!
And we couldn’t end the evening without a little dancing! Show us how to jump rope, Charles!