This young man is Christopher, a childhood cancer survivor and my hero!
As someone whose life has been touched by cancer, I can tell you that the struggle is real. No matter how optimistic you are, each day brings a battle that tests your strength. As an adult, you understand the circumstances, the limitations and why things have to be done a certain way. I cannot begin to imagine facing that battle as a child when I could barely handle it as an adult.
When Christopher was 14 months old, doctors discovered a growth after his mother took him in to have a twitching eye examined. Since the growth was inoperable, Christopher was started on chemotherapy right away. For the next year, each Monday was spent at Duke Children’s Hospital undergoing treatment. Today, Christopher is a normal, healthy 8-year-old boy with two younger siblings that he loves to play with. He also enjoys riding on his grandfather’s Spyder bike.
In one month, I, along with Nathan and two friends, will attempt to summit Grand Teton in support of the Vs. Cancer Foundation. Those who know me well know that I am terrified of heights. However, any time I begin to doubt myself, I think about the kids like Christopher who show us all that nothing is impossible. That is why I am climbing for Vs. Cancer.
You can help kids like Christopher by supporting our campaign. Half the proceeds go to Vs. Cancer for national research and the other half goes to Duke Children’s Hospital to support children’s programs at the hospital. Together we can try to find a cure for pediatric cancer, so more families can have their own happy endings.